For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Service is at the heart of the Christian Life. Martin Luther once said, "God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does." As Christians we have received God's great love and turn around and share that love with our neighbors in the form of service. Here at Trinity we have many ways both inside the church and outside of the church for you to serve. No matter where your interests lie, we have a place for you!

Volunteer Leaders
Kathy Bichel
Kathy is the chair of the Community Care Committee which is dedicated to serving the community both inside and outside of our Trinity walls.
The Community Care Committee
This committee of the Church Council was organized with the intention of connecting volunteers with volunteer opportunities inside and outside of Trinity. This group meets once a month to discuss opportunities and make plans. Anyone is welcome to join, especially if you have a heart for service.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
There are over 1,000 volunteer opportunities each year at Trinity. No matter what you enjoy doing, we have a place for you to serve. Please fill out the volunteer form to be connected with service opportunities.
NEW NEED: Sign up to deliver Meals on Wheels to seniors in the Algona Community.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
There are two easy ways to volunteer here at Trinity:
1) Fill out the form at the above link to indicate what your interests and skills are and where might like to serve.
2) Watch the News Bulletin for volunteer opportunities that interest you and contact the project coordinator.
(Bonus: Join the Community Care Committee and be the first to know of volunteer opportunities)
1) Fill out the form at the above link to indicate what your interests and skills are and where might like to serve.
2) Watch the News Bulletin for volunteer opportunities that interest you and contact the project coordinator.
(Bonus: Join the Community Care Committee and be the first to know of volunteer opportunities)
How do I volunteer with kids?
We are constantly looking for teachers and helpers for our Sunday School and Midweek program. Even if you've never taught before but think it might be a fun way to help kids learn the faith, we'd love to have you. Please contact the church office if you're interested in helping in this way.
How do I volunteer with music?
If you have musical talents -- either singing or playing an instrument -- please contact Pam Gogerty, our Music Director. Pam would love to work with you to share your talents with the congregation.
How do I volunteer with students?
Our Youth are always in need of good Christian role models to help them navigate the difficult times of their lives and grow in their faith. If you'd like to be a Wednesday night leader or chaperone events, please contact the church office.